Business Protection Cover & Key Man Insurance

Helping Your Business Plan for the Unexpected

Many businesses don’t realise the true value that Business Protection Insurance or Key Man Insurance will give.

As a business, you want to ensure that there is minimal disruption during a time when perhaps a key employee is away from the business through critical illness or injury or at the worst through death.

What is Business Protection Cover & Key Man Insurance?

There are 2 scenarios for Business Protection Cover. If you decide to choose the ‘life of another’ policy this means that the company will take out a policy that covers the life of a key person. In the event that this key person sadly dies, the company will receive the financial benefits directly. This will allow the business to continue to operate whilst meeting their financial needs/commitment giving them time to replace the key employee or re-structure the organisation accordingly.

If the key person suffers from a critical illness, but is likely to return to work following treatment, the funds may be utilised to replace lost profits or fund a temporary replacement until their return.

If you or your shareholders would like to go into more detail then please give us a call 01274 028019

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What we do
Our Services

Tenant Income Protection

Monthly benefit to help cover your rent and other living expenses if illness prevents you working

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Home Insurance

Ensuring your property is covered for all eventualities

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Life Assurance

Financial security for your family

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