Life Assurance

Providing for Your Loved Ones After You Have Passed

Many people want to ensure that their loved ones are provided for after their death and a Life Assurance Policy is one of the most common ways to do this.

What is a Life Assurance Policy?

Life Assurance is also known as a Whole of Life Policy purely for the fact that this runs for the whole of your life, rather than a fixed term like a Life Insurance Policy or Life Term Assurance Policy.

Premiums are paid monthly to the Insurer and upon the death of the policy holder, a tax-free lump sum is paid to the beneficiary/beneficiaries named by the policy holder.

Unlike Life Insurance, this policy pays out upon death of the policy holder whereas, Life Insurance/Life Term Assurance will only pay out if the policy holder dies during the term of the policy. If the Life Insurance/Life Term Assurance policy ends and the policy holder is still alive, then there will be no payout.

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What we do
Our Services

Life Term Assurance

Life cover over a pre-agreed period of time

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Whole Life Assurance

Guaranteed lump sum for your family

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Critical Illness

One off payment for specific medical conditions

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Family Income Protection

A term insurance for regular financial support for terminal illness diagnosis or death

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Income Protection

Replaces part of your income if you're unable to work

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Home Insurance

Ensuring your property is covered for all eventualities

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Business Insurance

Protection for Business Owners and Independent Professionals

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