Tenant Income Protection

Financial Security for You and Your Landlord

Renting is on the increase throughout the UK with us seeing rental prices at an all time high. What would happen if you suddenly lost your job? Or became too poorly to work? Who will pay your landlord the monthly rental costs.

Some people may be lucky enough to have savings to tide them over, or their employer may offer a generous sickness package but for many, the Tenant Income Protection will be the only peace of mind that ensures their rent and bills are covered.

What Is Tenant Income Protection?

In short, this type of cover is designed to pay out a monthly amount if you were to find yourself unable to work through illness or accident.

This usually pays out between 50% and 60% as a tax free payment and you can utilise this to cover your rent or any other utilities or bills or even your lifestyle costs.

Research has shown that a number of tenants will believe that Tenant Income Protection wouldn’t be necessary as they have a good relationship with their Landlord. However, whilst there are landlords who may behave favourably in such sudden circumstances, we must remember that there is no obligation either legally or personally for them to be lenient, so a policy that covers their income will always be a positive decision.

Let us take you through all your options to protect your tenancy 01274 028019

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