Why do you need money when you die? You don’t but your family or business might do.
Through our vast network of life assurance, mortgage protection cover, business protection cover
and key man insurance insurers, we are able to negotiate personalised insurance deals for our customers.
Leodis Financial can help you secure your assets with Insurance deals that are suited for your needs. Through our vast network of insurers, we are able to negotiate personalised insurance deals for our customers. Whether you live in a high crime neighbourhood and need contents insurance or a landlord needing building insurance, Leodis Financial can help you find the insurance deal you need to feel at ease.
Insurance offers are available to cover your medical expenses as well as the income lost due to illness. So that your family and loved ones don’t have to compromise on their lifestyles on top of paying your medical bills. With life insurance, you can help your loved ones cover your funeral expenses or even leave them a considerable fortune.
We take the hassle out of signing up for insurance deals. A Leodis Financial expert is there to walk you through the process. We take care of all the paperwork and deal with the insurers on your behalf. Before signing the agreement, we explain the terms so that our clients understand them.
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Home Insurance

Ensuring your property is covered for all eventualities

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Life Assurance

Financial security for your family

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Business Insurance

Protection for Business Owners and Independent Professionals

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Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding the structure of your home that is damaged by events such as a flood, fire or a storm.

This also covers permanent fixtures in your home, such as fitted kitchens and fitted bedroom furniture. This doesn’t include the items inside your home – you’d need contents insurance for that.

Contents Insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing the items in your home that have been stolen, or damaged by events such as a flood, fire or storm. This includes household goods and personal effects owned by you or your family.

You can also obtain additional cover for high risk items. These are those things which may have a high cost in money terms and may attract thieves, such as jewellery, mobile phones, and computers.

Life assurance is used to protect your income, family and businesses in the event of your death, providing valuable peace of mind knowing that your family will receive a lump sum to either pay off the mortgage, cover outgoings, other debts to secure the future of the family and business you leave behind.

There are several different types of life assurance packages available, choosing the correct life assurance package will depend on a number of factors that include tax, cost and the protection required.

Leodis Financial team of expert advisors can find the right policy for your exact requirements and circumstances selected from the whole of the market, to speak with one of our team, please call on 01274 028 019.

Term assurance is the cheapest & simplest form of life insurance. You insure yourself for a set term, until a loan is paid off, for example. It doesn’t contain any investment element; it simply promises to pay out if you die within the term. If you don’t die within that time, you receive nothing.

Term policies can either be level or decreasing. A level policy simply means the sum assured remains level throughout the term of the policy. If you die on the first day of the policy, you get exactly the same sum as you would if you died near the end of the policy. A decreasing term assurance policy on the other hand, will pay out more at the beginning of the policy than it would at the end.

The way a term policy pays out can also come in one of two ways. Those that pay out a tax-free lump sum on death and those that pay a tax-free income to the end of the term, known as family income benefit policies.

As usual there are pros and cons to both, a lump-sum policy can be more flexible because it allows your family to have a mixture of lump sum and income upon your death, but the income may be dependent upon investment returns at the time of death.

A family income policy on the other hand is often cheaper because the liability is always decreasing for the insurer, for example, if you die in the 18th year of a 20-year policy, the insurers would only have to pay income for two years. It’s also easier to work out the level of cover with this type of policy because you simply work out the income you would need to replace.

Some policies have rider benefits, which are extra sorts of cover, added on to the principal life cover. Such benefits include:
  • Waiver of premium benefit – the premiums are in effect paid for you in the event of defined incapacity due to illness.
  • Income protection benefit – a percentage of your income is paid to you if you cannot work at your usual employment.
  • Unemployment benefit – a variety of income protection benefit.
  • Critical illness cover – the benefit is paid before death on the diagnosis of life shortening disease (e.g. cancer). This benefit may replace the death benefit, or it may be paid as well.
all these riders cost extra and are only paid subject to meeting tight criteria.
Mortgage Protection is a kind of Term Assurance specifically designed to repay, on death, during the term, the amount outstanding on a ‘capital and interest’ repayment mortgage. In other words, if the policyholder(s) dies prematurely, the outstanding loan amount on the mortgage will be repaid in full.

Some policies have rider benefits, which are extra sorts of cover, added on to the principal life cover. Such benefits include:
  • Waiver of premium benefit – the premiums are in effect paid for you in the event of defined incapacity due to illness.
  • Income protection benefit – a percentage of your income is paid to you if you cannot work at your usual employment.
  • Unemployment benefit – a variety of income protection benefit.
  • Critical illness cover – the benefit is paid before death on the diagnosis of life shortening disease (e.g. cancer). This benefit may replace the death benefit, or it may be paid as well.
all these riders cost extra and are only paid subject to meeting tight criteria.
Whole of life policies are designed to provide life assurance coverage for an individual’s whole life, rather than a specified term. They contain a savings component, the idea of which is to build up a fund in the early years which will subsidies the life assurance cost in the later years. A fixed death benefit is paid to the beneficiary, this is either the sum assured or the value of the investment pot, whichever is the greater.

Premiums are usually fixed for the first 10 years of the policy, and each 5 years thereafter, after which the policy is reviewed and the premiums or the sum assured may need to be amended depending upon investment returns. Management fees also eat up a portion of the premiums.

Whole of life policies can be useful for some people to provide for an inheritance tax liability.

Leodis financial team of expert advisors can find the right policy for your exact requirements and circumstances selected from the whole of the market, to speak with one of our team, please call on 01274 028 019
This deals with protecting your business from the adverse financial effects of the death of a key person, partner or shareholder. Business protection can be especially important to smaller companies whose reliance on key individuals for profit may be greater than large corporates.

There are two main types of business assurance, key man and partnership assurance / director share purchase.
Key Man Life Assurance is used to inject a lump sum of cash into the business in the event of the loss of a ‘key person’. A key person may be a top salesman, a key designer in a design company, etc, someone whose death would have a direct and adverse effect on the company’s income. The usual solution is a term assurance policy whose sum assured should be worked out with your financial adviser.

Deals with protecting the families and co-owners in the event of the death of one of the partners/directors. Each party agrees beforehand on the value of his or her share and a combination of term assurance policies and legal documents are put in place to ensure that in the event of a partner or shareholders death, the remaining co-owners have a sum in place to buy out the family of the deceased for a fair sum.

Leodis Financial offer protection products from a selected panel of providers.

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